She told me I’d like Armchair Expert, but it wasn’t ’til Vulture told me I should listen that I put on my headphones and was like “shhh, I’m trying to listen to my new friends Dax and Monica.” There are tons of these examples. She told me to watch Veronica Mara, I said “uh a teenage girl detective show?”, but then my buddy Dirks said “it’s actually really smart,” so I gave it a whirl. Our friend Paul said I’d like Paul Auster, I told him yes. Wait before we go on here is a video of what you can expect from this post:Įxamples: She said I’d like Paul Auster, I told her no.
Let me know if I’m alone on this one: I will take the advice of a specific friend over someone else’s advice, even when that bit of advice is THE EXACT SAME BIT OF ADVICE! I don’t know why I do it, I don’t know what goes into my decision making, but for some reason I will blow off someone’s recommendation (let’s say Emily’s for instance) but heed the exact same recommendation from a different source.
I’m aware of it and I’m working on it, but it’s a hard habit to break.
It’s something that bugs Emily so much that it’s caused some big fights through the years.